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Life Insurance

female business owner organizing pottery in her shop

5 Reasons You Need Life Insurance if You Are Self-Employed

In the event of their death, life insurance provides financial security for their family and business obligations. Life insurance is invaluable for self-employed individuals, as they often lack the safety net of employer-provided benefits. It can cover debts, replace lost income, and fund business succession plans, ensuring continuity and stability

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pregnant woman and husband getting key from realtor to new house

6 Milestones That Alter Your Life Insurance Coverage Needs

Life insurance provides financial protection for loved ones in the event of the policyholder’s death. Coverage needs may change due to various factors, as certain major events can significantly impact a person’s financial responsibilities and dependents, altering coverage needs. Therefore, major life events often prompt a reassessment of insurance coverage

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mother and son embracing outside

The Role of Child Term Riders in Life Insurance

Most people do not have difficulty understanding the goals and value of an insurance policy. However, the idea of taking out a life insurance policy on a child is a strange and unfamiliar concept to most parents. However, many people are unaware of the existence of child insurance riders. These

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mother and daughter picking flowers

The Thoughtful Choice of Life Insurance for Mother’s Day

On Mother’s Day, we are all looking for the right gift to express how grateful we are and how much we owe to our mothers. While nice and sweet, the traditional flowers and chocolate are very general expressions of our gratitude for our mothers. Sometimes, a pragmatic and practical gift

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young woman holding a small plant in her hands

Leveraging Life Insurance to Make a Difference

Earth Day serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of preserving our planet for future generations. As individuals committed to protecting the environment, many of us seek opportunities to leave a lasting legacy by supporting charities and causes that champion environmental conservation. One powerful way to make a meaningful

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woman cuddling with her cat

Pet Trusts: What It Is & Why You Need One

A pet trust is a legal arrangement that allows pet owners to set aside funds for the care and maintenance of their pets in the event of their incapacity or death. Here’s a breakdown of what a pet trust entails and why it’s essential for pet owners: Ensuring Care for

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dad outside with his daughter on his shoulders

How to Prevent Lapsed Life Insurance Policies

Life insurance is a crucial component of financial planning, providing a safety net for your loved ones. However, the risk of a lapsed policy can undermine its purpose. To ensure the continuity of life insurance coverage, it’s essential to be proactive. Here’s a guide on how to prevent lapsed life

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mom and son touching faces and smiling in the kitchen

When to Consider an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust

Life insurance is a crucial financial tool that provides a safety net for your loved ones in the event of your passing. However, simply purchasing a life insurance policy may not be enough to ensure maximum benefits for your heirs. One strategic approach to consider is setting up an Irrevocable

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pregnant woman and man sitting on bed

Planning for a Family? Considerations & Next Steps

Planning for a family is paramount for financial security, emotional preparedness, and overall well-being. It involves thoughtful considerations about budgeting, healthcare, and creating a nurturing environment. By anticipating the responsibilities of parenthood, prospective parents can make informed decisions, fostering a stable foundation for their family’s growth and development. Planning ensures

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smoke detector going off

National Burn Awareness Week: Shift from Awareness to Preparedness

Raising Awareness on National Burn Awareness Week National Burn Awareness Week serves as a critical reminder of the devastating impact of burn injuries and the importance of prevention. While awareness is essential, taking proactive steps towards preparedness is equally vital. Let’s explore how we can shift from awareness to preparedness

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