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Health Insurance

family hiking by a lake

Activities For Staying Healthy All Summer

Summer means sunshine, longer days, and more time spent outdoors. It is a great time of year to get active and stay healthy. The following are some things you can do to help you stay active. Take a Dance Lesson: Many clubs across the country offer dance lessons for free

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patient talking with a doctor

Is A Work-Sponsored Health Insurance Plan My Best Option?

If your employer offers health insurance, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to buy it. Employees can choose to leave an employer-sponsored group plan in favor of Obamacare – the health insurance market. Do you know your best option? Each one has its pros and cons. What Are the Advantages

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man getting his teeth cleaned by a dentist

How Seeing A Dentist Can Improve Your Overall Health

Most people know that seeing a dentist regularly is good for oral health and the appearance of your smile. But not everyone knows that it can also improve your overall health. Oral health is more important than most people realize. The Connection Between Oral Health and Overall Health Oral health

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bride and groom holding hands

Changing Your Health Insurance After Marriage Or Divorce

Generally, you can only enroll in a health insurance plan during open enrollment or during a special enrollment period brought about by a qualifying event. Both marriage and divorce are considered qualifying events. Understanding when you are eligible to make changes is key to avoiding high-cost health insurance coverage or

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get dental insurance

Skipping The Dentist Can Put Your Health At Risk

Most of us don’t look forward to a trip to the dentist. However, caring for your teeth and gums is a crucial part of maintaining overall health. Research over the past decade has revealed links between tooth and gum health and several serious medical conditions. A recent study found that

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The Importance Of Movember

Movember is a charity that focuses on men’s health issues and invests in both research and support services. To date, the Movember Foundation has raised $559 million in donations and has been responsible for funding over 800 different programs in 21 countries across the globe. You can easily recognize many

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breast cancer awareness ribbon

October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer affects one in eight women, and the National Breast Cancer Foundation estimates that about 220,000 women are diagnosed each year. Thankfully, early diagnosis and treatment most often leads to a full recovery. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual campaign to raise awareness of the disease and the

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Celebrate Labor Day & Enjoy Time Off

The majority of our lives are spent focusing on work. Even our days off can find us obsessing over various work-related issues – sitting at a computer or watching our smartphones, answering work emails, or planning for an upcoming project or meeting. We have a very hardworking culture in America,

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Develop A Group Benefits Program For Your Business

Employers want to attract the best people to their companies, and the right benefits program is a great way to do that. Benefits can also help your business retain important personnel. There are always concerns about the bottom line, and any benefits program you put in place must be cost-effective. Essentially, you

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Think You Don’t Need Disability Insurance? Think Again!

It’s not easy to think about the possibility of becoming disabled, suffering a serious illness, or becoming incapacitated. We understand these are difficult topics, but even if you are young and healthy, it may be time to have an honest conversation about disability insurance. This type of insurance coverage can

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