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Health Insurance

Older man getting an eye exam

Do I Need Vision Insurance In Addition To Health Insurance?

It is common knowledge that no one should live without health insurance, given the cost of healthcare today. But what about vision insurance? Good vision plays a vital role in a person’s quality of life. While some health plans provide vision coverage, others do not. Our experienced agent can help

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Woman receiving a flu shot in her arm

Do I Really Need A Flu Shot?

If you have ever had the flu, you know it is a very unpleasant experience. As though the fever, chills, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, and runny nose were not enough, many people develop complications. Flu complications may include sinus or ear infections, pneumonia, or sepsis when infection of the

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Self-employed restaurant owners high-fiving

Health Insurance Options For The Self-Employed

More Americans today are making the decision to be self-employed. Although this course of action has many advantages, sourcing your own health insurance is not among them. With the rising costs of healthcare, health insurance is essential for everyone, including the self-employed. If you go uncovered, you may have to

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Couple watching a workout video in their living room

Gym Alternatives: How To Keep In Shape Anywhere

We all know that regular exercise is important for overall health. An active lifestyle that includes exercise and healthy eating can even help you get better rates for health insurance and life insurance. (Speak with one of our experienced agents for more information about how you can lower your premiums.)

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Nurse helping an older man out of bed

Understanding Long-Term Care

It may not be wise for people over the age of 65 to rely on Medicare or private health insurance. Medicare does not cover custodial care, and private health insurance rarely pays any long-term care costs. Depending on your financial situation, long-term care insurance may be your best option for

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Man clutching his jaw in pain

Will Dental Insurance Cover Mouth Injuries?

Millions of teeth are knocked out every year in athletic events. Injuries affecting the face and mouth account for a significant number of common sports injuries. If you are active in sports, or if you have children who are, you may be wondering if your dental insurance covers mouth injuries.

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woman drinking a glass of water

Am I Drinking Enough Water?

As stated by Medical Daily, 75 percent of people in the U.S. today may suffer from chronic dehydration, and most Americans consume far below the recommended amount of water. Look for the following signs of dehydration to find out if you are drinking enough water: You feel thirsty Your skin

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Woman drinking juice and looking at vegetables

Easy Ways To Add More Vegetables To Your Diet

We all know that vegetables are good for your health, but it can be challenging to include enough of them in your diet. The following are some easy ways to work a variety of nutritious vegetables into your daily meals. Have Veggies For Breakfast A lot of breakfast meals are

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family hiking by a lake

Activities For Staying Healthy All Summer

Summer means sunshine, longer days, and more time spent outdoors. It is a great time of year to get active and stay healthy. The following are some things you can do to help you stay active. Take a Dance Lesson: Many clubs across the country offer dance lessons for free

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patient talking with a doctor

Is A Work-Sponsored Health Insurance Plan My Best Option?

If your employer offers health insurance, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to buy it. Employees can choose to leave an employer-sponsored group plan in favor of Obamacare – the health insurance market. Do you know your best option? Each one has its pros and cons. What Are the Advantages

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